benefits of time blocking with a digital planner

Why Time Blocking with a Professional Weekly Digital Planner is so Awesome!

Branden Bodendorfer
5 min readJun 20, 2024

What is time blocking and why is it awesome? Well, let’s back up a bit first. Before you can time block, you need a planner. And a weekly planner can serve as the cornerstone for your planner. I have a video on that below.

A professional weekly planner is a tool designed to help you organize your workweek efficiently, focusing on tasks, appointments, goals, and priorities. Think of it as a paper planner made digital. In that setting, it retains the structure and layout of traditional paper planners but leverages the advantages of digital technology (which I’ll elaborate on later).

Time blocking is a productivity technique where you divide your day into distinct blocks of time, each dedicated to a specific task or group of tasks. This method helps in managing your time more effectively, minimizing distractions, and ensuring focused work periods. The key principles of time blocking include:

  • Allocating Specific Times: Assigning specific periods of your day to particular tasks.
  • Focused Work: Concentrating on one task or type of task during each time block.
  • Reducing Multitasking: Limiting the tendency to switch between different tasks, which can reduce productivity.
  • Enhancing Efficiency: Ensuring that each task has dedicated time, thus improving overall efficiency and productivity.

First, let’s break down how to make the most of your weekly planning sessions.

When to Plan

Weekly planning should be a regular habit. You might find it helpful to review your week on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, or even first thing Monday mornings. Typically, this should take about 15 to 20 minutes. If you’re new to this, it might take a bit longer initially, but you’ll get faster as you get used to the routine.

Reviewing Your Accomplishments

Start by reflecting on what you accomplished the previous week. Identify what was successful and meaningful. Recognizing your achievements is crucial for staying motivated and understanding your progress.

Addressing Unfinished Business

Next, take note of any projects or tasks that weren’t completed. These lingering items can impede your sense of success. Ensure that your weekly plans are realistic and achievable — break larger projects into manageable tasks that can be completed within the week.

Identifying Distractions

Consider what might be distracting you from your goals. Is it friends, family, work projects, or the environment? Identifying these distractions can help you manage them better and stay focused.

Setting Improvement Goals

Think about what you want to improve. Are you working on fitness, communication skills, or professional development? Writing down these goals can reinforce your commitment and help you track your progress.

Planning Meetings and Opportunities

Review your upcoming meetings and opportunities. Understand their purpose and how they contribute to your goals. This intentional approach ensures you get the most out of each engagement.

Using the Planning Board

Throughout the week, use a planning board to jot down tasks, opportunities, and projects as they come up. This helps clear your mind and keeps you organized. At the end of the week, you’ll have a comprehensive list to review and prioritize.

Prioritizing Tasks

Look at your planning board and determine what’s most critical. Identify tasks that need immediate attention and those that can be scheduled for later. This helps you manage your workload effectively.

Setting Weekly Intentions and Goals

Define your overall goal for the week. What are the key things you want to achieve? Break these down into specific tasks, including smaller 15-minute goals, to keep you on track.

By the end of your weekly review, you should feel calm, ready, and confident that you’ve set the right priorities. With a clear plan in place, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle your week effectively.

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What is Time Blocking?

Now that you know the best way to plan your week, let’s look at how time blocking can enhance this. As I said earlier, time blocking is a productivity technique where you divide your day into distinct blocks of time, each dedicated to a specific task or group of tasks. Here’s a very generic visual to get the idea:

time blocking example in the Key2Success Digital Planner

How Can a Digital Planner Help with Time Blocking?

While you can do time blocking in a paper planner, a digital planner can significantly enhance the effectiveness of time blocking by leveraging various features and tools that traditional paper planners cannot offer.

Here’s how:

1. Customizable Time Blocks

  • Flexible Templates: Digital planners like the Key2Success Planner offer customizable templates where you can create time blocks that fit your specific needs. You can adjust the length and timing of each block based on your priorities and workload.

2. Visual Layout

  • Clear Overview: Digital planners provide a clear, visual layout of your day or week, making it easier to see how your time is allocated. This visual representation helps in identifying potential conflicts or overlaps in your schedule.

3. Integration with Calendars

4. Notifications and Reminders

  • Automated Alerts: Digital planners (by using your device timer) can send notifications and reminders for the start and end of each time block. This feature helps you stay on track and ensures you switch tasks promptly as planned.

5. Task Management

  • Organize Tasks: You can link specific tasks or to-do lists to each time block. This helps in focusing on the right tasks at the right time and ensures that you’re always working on what’s most important.

6. Progress Tracking

  • Monitor and Adjust: Digital planners often include tracking features that allow you to monitor your progress on tasks within each time block. You can make adjustments as needed based on how much you accomplish.

7. Eliminating Distractions

  • Focused Mode: Some digital planning devices offer a “focused mode” that minimizes distractions by blocking notifications from other apps or limiting access to certain features during time blocks.

8. Easy Adjustments

  • Rearrange Quickly: Unlike paper planners, digital planners allow you to quickly and easily adjust your time blocks if your schedule changes. This flexibility ensures that your planning remains effective and up-to-date. The lasso tool is your best friend here!

9. Analysis and Insights

  • Review Patterns: Digital planners can provide insights and analytics on how you spend your time. Reviewing these patterns can help you make more informed decisions about how to allocate your time in the future.

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That’s an overview of time blocking and how weekly planning can really be enhanced by this method! Any questions, let me know!

